How to design a business card

How to design a business card

Do you still need a business card in the digital age? In short, yes. It’s best to think of a business card as a small piece of marketing that you can give to any existing or potential customer.

Business cards also communicate a sense of security to the recipient, showing that you are part of an established business that is ready and willing to work together.

Business cards alongside designed email signatures, letterheads, branded envelopes all help to create a consistent brand experience for customers or partners of your business or brand.

While there are online platforms that can serve as an online business card of sorts, the art of designing and giving a potential client or employer a business card after a successful meeting is still relevant today.

In the article below, we’ll show you how to design a business card and why they are still important in today’s business landscape.

Why business cards are important

Humans have unreliable memories. We often forget to pick up milk from the store when it’s the sole purpose of our visit, so it’s easy to forget the people we meet. Having a business card is extremely useful to prompt your customers, especially at those times when they need you most. Designing your own business card goes beyond just name and title. It’s a device loaded with visual clues so you’ll be remembered long after the initial encounter.

Business cards are a great way to introduce yourself

If you know a person or company you’d like to reach out to, business cards are a great ice breaker. They can be handed out in person or accompanied by a note sent in the mail. A business card makes you look professional and provides all the information recipients need to find out more about you.

Business cards communicate who you are and what you do

It’s difficult to keep track of job titles, particularly in meetings where you encounter multiple new faces. Presenting a business card makes it easy for people to understand what you do, and to attach your all-important name to the service

Business cards keep you front of mind

Business cards tend to remain on desks, in wallets, or stored in places where they might one day be used. And that’s great news for the moment when people need you.

Why business cards are important in the digital age

In today’s digital world, It’s easy to assume business cards have fallen out of favor but this couldn’t be further from the truth.

A survey conducted by Statistic Brain Research Institute states that 57% of businesspeople claim having a card is essential to their business. And when it comes to designing a great business card, 72% of people judge a company by the quality of its business card, with 39% saying they wouldn’t do business with someone offering one that looks cheap.

So here are three things to consider when designing your business card:

1. Think about how it’s going to look

First impression count. The same way you dress up for an interview, your business card should dress up too. It’s not just about the design either. Think about the words, the weight, and the feel.

2. Consider the goals you want your business card to achieve

Your business card is a reflection of you. Consider the role your card plays, and what you would like it to convey to customers. What makes you the right person for the job? What you offer that no one else can? If your service is quite common, how can you make it compelling in a visual way?

3. Make sure it’s easy to read

Well-designed cards are kept. When you take the time to craft a beautiful card, people will respond by hanging on to it. Unappealing designs tend to be discarded but if it's pleasant to look at, it will remain and eventually be utilized. And ultimately, that’s the goal.

How to design a business card

With so many design styles, it can be difficult to know where to start. Your business card should feel like an extension of your existing brand, so the design should be based on your logo, signage, or letterhead. If your business card is the starting point for your brand, consider how the same design will extend to all your other touchpoints.

What to add to your business card

  • Your name. It’s important that your name is clearly visible and that it uses an easy-to-read font.
  • Your company. You want the recipient of your business card to associate your name with the business you own or work for.
  • Your current title. It’s important for the cardholder to easily link how you can help them. Whether you’re a CEO or a marketing manager, it’s helpful to provide as much context about yourself as possible.
  • Contact information. Another essential piece of information to provide is your contact information. Whether it’s your best contact number, email address, or both.

Other items you can add to your business card includes:

  • Your company logo. Many people opt to add their company logo to their business card as a visual replacement for the company’s name on the card. This adds a sleek visual element to the business card and breaks up the text elements.
  • Relevant social handles. For many in creative industries, social media serves as an indicator of popularity, authority, and success. For a polished look, you can simply add the social media icon with the social handle underneath. This can even be added to the back of your business card.
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